Police Department

Teams & Operations

We have many teams, divisions, and related operations that the EPPD works with and uses everyday. This page features just a few of them.

Victim Services

The Victims Services Response Team (VSRT) provides immediate, efficient, and compassionate service to crime victims in an effort to mitigate the damage done by criminals. To provide assistance to victims, including benefits such as, Texas Crime Victims Compensation and referral to local community agencies.

VSRT was initiated in 1995 with the goals to provide assistance and valuable information about domestic violence, assault, sexual assault, or any other type of victimization, and to form a collaboration with other agencies to address issues related to these types of victimizations while increasing officer training and public awareness throughout the community. A VSRT representative is available at each EPPD Regional Command Center, and at Headquarters.

How Can VSRT Help You?

VSRT provides assistance to victims of crime by explaining the application process for Protection Orders, referrals to appropriate agencies to ensure that victim’s needs are met, acts as a liaison between the victim and the law enforcement/criminal justice system to ensure proper response to help the safeguard the victim’s rights, and assists with the application for the Texas Crime Victim’s Compensation Program. To learn more about VSRT in detail click here.

Here is how you can keep yourself safe during an incident:

  • If an argument seems unavoidable, try to have it in a room or area that has access to an exit and not in the bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere near weapons.
  • Practice how to get out of your home safely. Identify which doors, windows, elevator, or stairwell would be best.
  • Have a packed bag ready and keep it in a hidden place.
  • Identify a neighbor you can call about the violence and ask that they call the police if they hear a disturbance coming from your home.
  • Devise a code word to use with your children, family, friends, and neighbors when you need to have them call the police.
  • Devise a plan of where you will go if you have to leave home (even if you don’t think you will need to).
  • Create a Safety Plan

Use good judgment and trust your instincts. If the situation is very dangerous, consider giving the abuser what he/she wants to calm him/her down. You have the right to protect yourself until you are out of danger. Contact us at any of the numbers below:

Victim Services Response Team

Headquarters (915) 212-4011
Central (915) 212-4606
Mission Valley (915) 212-8376
Northeast (915) 212-8198
Pebble Hills (915) 212-4665
Westside (915) 212-8510


Telephone Reporting Unit

Waiting times to file reports may be longer due to a reduction in personnel staffing levels. You may also file a report onlineTraffic accident reports must be called in at this time we appreciate your patience.

Our Telephone Reporting Unit handles all incoming calls into the EPPD. REMEMBER ALWAYS DIAL 9-1-1 FOR EMERGENCIES OR CRIMES IN PROGRESS​! If you need to have a police officer dispatched to your location immediately, if someone is injured, or if you have any emergency situation, call “911". This includes any “crime still in progress” or where the report you want to make has any type of “evidence” to be collected.

To know if you are filing a non-emergency report on the phone, ask yourself:

  • This is not an emergency?
  • No one has been injured?
  • This incident occurred within the El Paso City limits?
  • This did not occur on a state freeway?

If you can answer yes to all of the questions above, call (915) 832-4436 during business hours, Monday through Friday. A police officer will NOT be dispatched to your location and reports that contain evidence will not be taken on the call. Filing a false police report is a crime. Please have the following necessary information ready before making the report:

  • Address of the incident
  • Your identifying information (such as: driver’s license, SSN, ID, cause numbers)
  • Serial numbers for any missing items of property
  • Information an investigator may use to contact you

Examples of reports that CAN be made over the phone at our number are:

  • Criminal Mischief
  • Credit Card Abuse
  • Theft
  • Harassment/Threats
  • Lost/Stolen Property
  • Graffiti
  • Simple Assault
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Fraud/Forgery
  • Traffic Accidents (Must have occurred within the last ten days, under $1000 in damage, and no injuries)

Examples of reports NOT taken over the phone are (call 911 instead!):

  • Burglary of Habitation
  • Family Violence
  • Burglary of Vehicle
  • Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle

Training Academy

The El Paso Police Department Training Academy offers current sworn officers the ability to further their education with a variety of trainings.

View Training Calendar

Records Division

The Records Division handles all reviewing and reporting of documents that pass through the EPPD. Their duty is to properly handle and manage these documents with care for safekeeping. They must also verify the legitimacy of reports made to EPPD and issue case numbers if the report is not rejected. Documents can be requested from the department via the U.S. mail, or using the City's Open Records Request Portal. To request a record through US Mail send to:

911 N. Raynor St.
El Paso, TX 79903

Include your postal mailing (return) address. Allow 10 business days for a response. The fee for reports requested by mail is $1.50.

You can pay by cash, money order, or check and send or deliver to the same address as above. DO NOT MAIL CASH!
Make checks payable to: The City of El Paso. Costs and payment for reports and records are as follows:

  • OFFENSE REPORTS and INCIDENT REPORTS: 10 cents per page for the first 50 pages; Additional charges for overhead, materials, and labor if more than 50 pages.
  • CERTIFIED ACCIDENT REPORTS: $6.00 plus $2.00 extra for a certified copy.
  • OPEN RECORDS PROCEDURE REQUESTS: 10 cents per page for the first 50 pages; There may be additional charges for overhead (including computer research time) materials, and labor if more than 50 pages.

Inter-Agency Records Request

Law Enforcement Agencies may submit a records request, track the request status, and download responsive records via the Inter-Agency Records Request System.

Submit Subpoena

You can submit a Subpoena Duces Tecum request, track the subpoena status, and download responsive records via the Subpoena Records Request Tracking System.

Internal Affairs Division

The Internal Affairs Division accepts, registers, and investigates complaints of alleged misconduct by an employee of the Department in an objective and impartial manner to ensure justice and fairness towards Department employees and the citizens of El Paso.

The Department will accept all comments about an employee’s conduct or performance whether it is to commend or complain. When a citizen feels that an employee of the Department acted improperly, that citizen is encouraged to contact the Internal Affairs Division to discuss or report the complaint. Timely complaints will be thoroughly investigated by Internal Affairs because we have a commitment to the community and understand that the services the police provide are directly related to the quality of our relationship with the people we serve. Serious misconduct would include but not be limited to:

  • Officer-involved shootings
  • Critical incidents involving death or serious bodily injury
  • Alleged constitutional violations
  • Alleged racial profiling/discrimination
  • Dishonesty
  • Drug use
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Allegations of a violation of any law
  • Excessive use of force
  • Allegations of misconduct involving more than one division
  • Complaints by employees of discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Other unlawful employment practices and cases referred directly by the Chief of Police or command staff.

How to File a Formal Complaint

A formal complaint may be lodged with Internal Affairs or with any supervisor in the police department. A formal complaint is a written allegation against an employee of the Department that could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. State law requires that complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Persons complaining by e-mail or orally will be requested to submit their complaint in writing with their signature affixed, and will be provided the appropriate affidavit form (Complaint Affidavit / Queja Declaración Jurada). The Complaint Affidavit can be sent via mail, dropped off in person at Internal Affairs, or left with any police supervisor at the Regional Commands. Please note that the Complaint Affidavit needs to be notarized, this can be done at any of the Regional Commands or at the office of Internal Affairs or by any certified Notary. Please send the completed and notarized affidavit to: PDIAD@elpasotexas.gov

If you have any questions please contact us at:

Internal Affairs Division
211 N. Florence #205
(915) 212-0157